Saturday, July 26, 2008

.:: JuSt S!mpLe gUrL ::.

I jUsT do wHaT I wAnT..
It's not AbOuT wHat pEoplE sAyiNg It's About mE..
PeoPle ArE aLwAys TaLk and to teLL u thE truTh..
I'm LovE it..
I'm Love The AttEntion..
I do WhaT I do BecAuse it Puts a sMile on My faCe..

I'm a good but not an angel..
I'm do sin but i'm not the devil..
I'm pretty but not beautiful...

I have friend but i'm not the peacemaker..
I'm just a small gurl in a big word trying to find someone to love..

tHe LiTTlest tHiNg MaKe me LauGh..It's Not HaRd To PleaSe Me..

I'm StRonG and DeTerMine I LoVe to look At The sTar..

I'm Just A GuRL and that all in wanna be..

1 comment:

Buttercisco said...

nice this penah tengok je kat hypermarket..tapi di ne ye??.oo..kak..bahagian tepung gandum kat ne??..hehehhe